(1975 © Mark Baker CC-BY, SLQ 32835-0010-0245)
St Columba's Catholic Church | |
Bundock Street, Belgian Gardens 4812 | |
Roman Catholic | |
GJ Rooney | |
1928 | |
timber | |
Demolished | |
Townsville Daily Bulletin, 19 May 1928 | |
82x30 ft | |
1980 | |
Demolished/removed | |
"The building is rather unique in appearance, It is a wooden building 82 feet long by 30 feet wide, and is unique in that louvres have been adopted everywhere in place of glass windows; the only glass Is in the fanlights. In the sides of the building there are five panels of louvres, and three louvred double doors which have been placed with an eye on future extension, by the addition of verandahs. In front is a porch 12 x 12 feet, with two flights of stairs. It is louvred and again louvres take the place of windows in the front wall. The architect has sought to erect a building suitable for tropical use, and he certainly appears to have suocceded. The building is erected on high concrete blocks, In anticipation of a ground floor belng required in days not far ahead." |
(1028, Townsivlle Daily Bulletin, 19 May 1928