Queensland Religious Places

Statistics and charts

No of buildings constructed by decade

Timber Buildings vs other material

Buildings constructed by denomination/religion 1840s - 2020

Denomination/religion No
Anglican 889
Roman Catholic 969
Methodist 797
Presbyterian 446
Congregational 98
Uniting 111
Australian Christian Churches (AOG) 145
Baptist 380
Lutheran 291
Seventh Day Adventist 118
Church of Christ 127
Salvation Army 179
Brethren 84
Independent 107
Christadelphian 21
Jehovah Witnesses 102
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 44
Union 47
Orthodox 43
Apostolic Church of Queensland 36
Other 637
Total 5446

Buildings constructed by denomination/religion - details by decade

Buildings open by denomination/religion

Denomination/religion No
Anglican 348
Roman Catholic 420
Methodist/Uniting 96
Presbyterian/Uniting 31
Congregational/Uniting 4
Presbyterian 90
Uniting 97
Australian Christian Churches (AOG) 92
Baptist 138
Lutheran 109
Seventh Day Adventist 82
Church of Christ 62
Salvation Army 45
Brethren 49
Independent 72
Christadelphian 11
Jehovah Witnesses 91
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 38
Union 8
Orthodox 29
Apostolic Church of Queensland 22
Other 350
Total 2187

Date of construction by decade

Decade No Decade No
1840 4
1850 28 1940 162
1860 132 1950 572
1870 203 1960 544
1880 385 1970 301
1890 291 1980 394
1900 423 1990 380
1910 450 2000 207
1920 433 2010 147
1930 368 2020 19

Timber buildings by decade

Decade No Decade No
1850 14 1940 127
1860 103 1950 366
1870 172 1960 197
1880 340 1970 56
1890 274 1980 56
1900 357 1990 63
1910 362 2000 24
1920 329 2010 18
1930 277 2020 3

Status of religious places

Category No
Open 2187
Closed 289
Demolished 1579
Closed house 210
Open other faith/denom 118
Closed hall 193

Database statistics

Category No
No of record in database 5446
No of primary images 4365
Percent of records with images 80%
No of second images 1105
No of third images 145
Total images in database 5615

Image sources

Category No
Thom Blake 1119
John Huth 1210
Kerry Raymond 53
Google Maps - street view 531
State Library of Queensland 313
Bert Knottenbeld 50
Mark Baker 56