Queensland Religious Places

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Cairns Seventh Day Adventist Church
305 Severin Street, Parramatta Park 4870
Seventh Day Adventist
Closed community
Cairns Post 3 Feb 1948; Hawken, Seventh-day Adventist Church History Northern Australian Conference, 176; https://www.realestate.com.au/property/305-severin-st-parramatta-park-qld-4870/
Closed and sold
Originally buiilt to be portable. The frame of the structure is of strong, light weight material, and is covered with a water- proof plywood called Bondwood. The walls and roof are all built in sections and bolted together, so that the tabernacle can be easily dismantled, stacked in a railway truck, and transported from place to place
Sold $140,000

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(1948, Hawken, Seventh-day Adventist Church History Northern Australian Conference, 176)

Location (-16.922303, 145.761)

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