Queensland Religious Places

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(© 2018 John Huth)

St Paschal's Catholic Church Wavell Heights
30 Warraba Avenue, Wavell Heights 4012
Roman Catholic
war memorial
The original church was opened and blessed by Archbishop James Duhig on 8 August 1937.As the original church became too small for the growing community, a new building was built which would house the church on the lower floor and a school above. This opened in January 1950 and the Fransciscan influence continued with the naming of the school, “Our Lady of the Angels”.The original church was moved to the western boundary and had many uses over the years, including school and meeting rooms, as a hall and pre-school centre. However, in 1978, it was destroyed by fire. The current church was opened and blessed in July 1961 as a War Memorial Church

Location (-27.393366, 153.0403)

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