Queensland Religious Places

Woodchurch Wesleyan Methodist Church
Cnr Old Warwick Roada and Faulkner's Quarry Road, Woodchurch 4307
Methodist Church Property Register 1892; QT 30 Dec 1871; Dingle
Replaced by new church
The building, which is a neat, well-lighted, and well ventilated structure, has been erected free of debt; and with the proceeds of the opening services and the tea-meeting there will be enough in hand to paint and thoroughly finish it. It is 30ft. long by 18 ft.wide, and can be made to seat 100 people. Six large windows admit an abundance of light and air. At one end there is a raised platform about lft. High and 6ft. wide, with a small pulpit in the centre-this is an arrangement which will be found very useful one public meetings are to be held. (QT 30 Dec 1871) Removed to Harrisville in 1926

Location (-27.808451, 152.702)

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